Mike's Mini Project - page 10 |
Final assembly of the engine in the car, alternator, drive shafts and radiators going into the car. It's on wheels again! |
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1. The parts I fabricated to mount the alternator. I am using the Honda alternator with an idler pulley and some custom brackets |
2. Here is the whole thing mounted in the car. The alternator runs backwards from the normal installations, so hopefully the cooling is still OK. |
3. Another view of the mounting. The belt goes around the engine mount so changing the belt will be a pain. |
4. There is still lots of clearance to the wheel. |
5. The high pressure fuel pump mounted in the trunk. The red switch on the left is an inertia switch, to shut off the pump in case of an accident. Fuel filter is in line before the pump. |
6. A view of the high pressure fuel filter mounted on the firewall. The is the second filter. |
7. Drive shafts ready to go to the machine shop. |
8. The finished product from Leajune Engineering. |
9. Well, what do ya think?? |
10. Here I am using cardboard top mock up the radiators before taking them into a shop. |
11. One rad will sit in the wheel well area and the second one in the front. |
12. There's not a lot of room in here for the rads! |
13. Rads back for a trial fit from Ken at |
14. Here's the front one which will be slightly angled. |
15. This shows the two installed together, they need to go back for a few adjustments and the final painting. |
16. They are copper and brass custom made units. Thanks Ken! |
17. To mount the brake lines I needed to make up little tabs as the normal mounting points were removed during the subframe build. |
18. Here's the other side with the new mounting tab in place. |
19. Honda ends mounted back on the drive shafts. |
20. Radiators back again, this time finished and painted. |
21. The Mini ends also installed and going onto the car. Delayed here as I decided to replace the drive shaft seals on the Honda tranny, so had to order those. |
22. The other side ready to go in once the seals are replaced. |
23. Finally, it's back on 4 wheels again, all the drive shafts and brakes are installed. |
24. The radiators are now mounted to the frame using rubber isolators. |
25. Another view of the rads! |
26....more to come. |
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