Mike's Moke Project - 3
    Final assembly and some shots from car shows.


1. Front subframe cleaned up, painted and rebuilt.
2. Master cylinder and horn and front wiring in place.
3. Assorted parts ready to install, most from an order received from Australia.
4. Original 998 engine..now sitting in the bowels of my garage, to be used as a boat anchor one day.
5. My rebuilt 1275 engine paited up and ready to install. Black was chosen as the color after talking to several people to determine the original color for this year Moke engine.
6. Ugly in black, but original.
7. Tire mount and wipers installed.
8. Added temp, amp meter and oil pressure guage.
9. Front subframe with engine and suspension now installed.
10. Finishing off the engine wiring.
11. Getting close!
12.  On wheels again.
13.  Interior complete, except seats and belts.
14. Rear shot.
15. Ready to roll, just missing the bumpers.
16.  First run out with the club.
17. Finished, bumpers and top installed. A new black top is in the future.
18. Rear view, with new MOKE mud flaps..
19. Geting packed and ready to head out to MMW2005.
20. Start of trip to MMW, in the ferry line up. 5:30am!
21. On the Oregon coast.
22.NO Mokes allowed! .
23. And finally at MMW..

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